digesting the essence

“For each factor that holds you back, the solution is to expand your awareness.”—the Tao

The kindred ingredient of all Full Body Yes trainings is that they are premised on sharing deeper threads for growth and evolutionary living. Threads are the reminders that cut through the parts of our mind that may have been falsely conditioned and mesmerised to the point that simple, joyful, vibrant life has shrunk.

To Digest the Essence of this existence means bypassing hundreds of possibilities of what we perceive we ‘should’ think, feel, and act, to instead move from a unique expression that carries moment, focused intention and loving awareness. These trainings are training grounds for life. They are metamorphic with therapeutic byproducts. All that is needed is to show up exactly as you are, because each of us has something utterly Grace-full inside.




breath training

1-3 JUNE, 2024

In this training, we are going to flip the mainstream narrative on its head and circle back to the true essence of authentic pranayama, supported by the modern science around healthy, functional breathing as a practice of breathing not more, but LESS. 

We will break down many myths, including the idea that the “full, complete yoga breath” has anything to do with yoga. Or that breathing bigger is better. We will practise consistently and conduct detailed self-experiments, recording our internal experiences in your very own Breath Journal. You might begin to question everything you’ve learned about breath, and my hope is that as we uncover a mix of influences informing the contradictory practices and ideas you may have encountered in yoga studios, you can then discern which strands, lineages, and practices resonate best with you.


immersive training

4-8 September, 2023

Just like the riverbeds, arroyos, and estuaries carved into the earth’s surface, carrying nutrients across the planet, the energetic channels of our bodies transport the currents of life-force—blood, prana, and Ki. These are the keys to promoting and maintaining vitality.

Assists Artistry uniquely blends Zenthai Shiatsu therapy with yoga assists. This 50-hour training is designed for yoga teachers looking to deepen their embodiment and skills in touch. Teachers will not only learn applied assists but will also delve into the principles of Zenthai Shiatsu, exploring bodywork principles and specific sequences. This transformational modality leverages the most potent forms of touch to deepen connections to self and others, unlocking confidence in both structural and energetic assists that will transform the practice of all who are touched.


200 hour yoga teacher training


Full Body Yes TTC is a profound, 26-day, intensive training, designed to take you deep into the secret language of your body. Every part of you has a secret language. You will learn how to communicate with every increment of yourself, to both activate and illuminate, and soften and trust in Self + Life. With all channels of communication open, focused intention becomes clear and penetrating—we get thirsty for the ultimate water—our purpose, our vision, and ready for what will come pouring from the spring. 

The program is curated as a deeply solo pilgrimage, journeyed together. Each day is progressively layered with in-depth practices, lectures and self-experiments rooted in yogic and Tantric philosophy. You will establish a clear understanding of fundamental pillars of the yoga system—physical, energetic and subtle. It is open to anyone wanting to become a teacher, as well as those wanting to deepen their own embodiment.



The hidden curriculum of Full Body Yes trainings, is that we expand our tools for evolution. We broaden the psychological perspectives that help us to navigate our lives in the midst of continuous uncertainty and rapid change.

Each activity, practice and workshop is designed to shift us away from closed patterns of thinking and open the door to surprising ourselves.

These trainings are about cultivating and refining a specific skill set and taking them into action. If we feel ready—it’s already too late! In these trainings we sail off the mini cliffs, not entirely blind but not entirely seeing either. We jump into the unknown, trusting that when we move with the intelligence of life, its tracks are never familiar, but rather, always powdery and brand new.

Trainings are intended to press buttons. Like when we press a sponge and a little bit of dirt trickles out, when our buttons are pressed we spurt out a little bit of dirt that was keeping us stuck and small. Pressing the right buttons facilitates lasting growth and change. If we hold our discomfort in psychic utero for long enough then eventually the discomfort eases and the growing edges that we have played and stretched allow the fullest expression of Self to burst through.